Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Smart and Single? In America?

The lovely British actress Rachel Weisz - who just announced she's five months pregnant - is engaged to Darren Aronofsky, an American film director. This is actually a rare reversal of celebrity relationships - a British woman and an American man. How the @#*!!! is this possible? Turns out that the Cambridge-educated Weisz finds her fiance to be a cultured, educated individual who, "unlike a lot of other Americans" (her quote), can find Europe on a map.
It's true that most Americans, in addition to being seriously unlettered, don't know where Europe is. It's also true that most Americans don't care where Europe is. And with Darren Aronofsky engaged, that leaves me and about five other guys as the last smart single guys in America. :-D

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