Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Martha My Tear

The Democrats, well aware that the deck is stacked against them and they couldn't push any of the policies thery espouse into the national agenda even if they had the backbone to stand by them, kept trying to rattle and unnerve Samuel Alito at his Supreme Court confirmation hearings but only ended up rattling and unnerving his wife. Martha Alito, listening to Republican senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina apologize to her husband for the rotten way those pesky, nosy, Democrat budinskies have been treating him (forget for a moment that Alito still can't explain how he ended up in a reactionary Princeton alumni group advocating the elimination of affirmative action and coeducational education at the esteemed university), broke down in tears and left the room temporarily to recompose herself.
That's it - Alito's in! He's been guaranteed sympathy from Americans because those rotten liberal Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee made his wife cry! Once Alito gets on the court and starts handing down rulings in civil rights cases, you know who's going to cry? Black people!
Where's Kanye West when you need him?!? :-O

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