Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Enemy From Within?

People thought I was being hysterical and hyperbolic when I kept saying that, if Trump got re-elected President, he would make dissent a capital crime.  He demonstrated that quite clearly in an interview he gave to the insufferable Maria Bartiromo on Fox News.
"I always say, we have two enemies," Trump said to Bartiromo.  "We have the outside enemy, and then we have the enemy from within, and the enemy from within, in my opinion, is more dangerous than China, Russia and all these countries."
Trump added that he didn''t think the aftermath of the election would produce any violence , as President Biden recently warned, at least not from the side that votes for him.  Rather, the violence would come from his . . . opponents.
 "I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within . . ..  We have some very bad people we have some sick people, radical left lunatics." he said, adding that any unrest caused by anti-Trump demonstrators "should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary by the military, because they can’t let that happen."
In other words, Trump will arrest and subdue anyone who expresses opposition to him.
And he will likely, as I keep saying, make dissent a capital crime.
With three weeks to go in this presidential election campaign, the pro-democracy coalition fighting Trump must hang together in 2024 . . .
. . . or they will most assuredly hang separately in 2025! 😱

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