Sunday, November 20, 2022

The World Cup. Yippee. Whatever . . .

So am I going to watch the World Cup, which starts today in Qatar?  Aah, I'll probably watch some of it, but I'm not as excited about it as I've been in previous common even-numbered years.  maybe that's because I haven't watched any soccer in over two years.

COVID diminished my interest in elite sports, and the disastrous Beijing Winter Olympics this past February all but eliminated it.  In keeping with my recently acquired desire to scale back my involvement in things and quit some things altogether, I am not going to bother rooting for the American men's team, as they have long since become a joke.  CNN's Jake Tapper once mused about how they had made more money than the always-victorious U.S. women's team even though the men's team have been "less successful" in international competition, which is a nice way of saying that they suck, bite, chomp, blow and stink.  

At last the men's team actually got into the tournament after getting the green weenie in 2018. But the idea of seeing them win the World Cup this year (or any year)  is about as realistic as Martin O'Malley being elected President in 2024, and he actually has a plausible shot.

And besides, what's the point of winning when you get an ugly trophy like this?

This is the ugliest cup I've ever seen.

It isn't even a cup.

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