Saturday, November 19, 2022

Nancy's Out

Nancy Pelosi saw the writing on the wall - and not graffiti from January 6.  The Republicans will  control of the House of Representatives in January, and the outgoing Speaker of the House decided not to stand for a position in House Democratic leadership. (She will serve one final term representing her San Francisco district.)  She thanked everyone in the House chamber for allowing her to serve and marveled at how wonderfully geographically and ethnically diverse These States had become . . . and how democracy survived the 2022 election.

Few of those in the chamber were Republicans, and none of them cheered.  Incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy couldn't be bothered to attend - he was too busy outlining the Republican House's agenda, which includes investigating Joe Biden, investigating Hunter Biden, investigating Anthony Fauci, investigating Justice Department for investigating Trump, and investigating some other stuff that Marjorie Taylor Greene wants him to investigate.

And, I assume, naming post offices.

The relentless investigations House Republicans plan at the expense of actually getting anything done could weaken and diminish Joe Biden as he looks toward running for a second term in 2024.  Even if there's no there there with regards to wrongdoing, it could be enough to ruin Biden's re-election hopes.  In response to those who disagree, I offer three little words from 2016 - "But her e-mails!" 

And if Biden does not seek re-election, the Democrats can always nominate someone else. 

I got yer someone else right here.  😉 

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