Saturday, May 24, 2008

Passion Is The Only Way Out?

Passion is the only way out. For me, the greatest luxury on earth would be to be able to abandon myself to passion.
Catherine Deneuve, 1969
A couple of nights ago I was talking with my mother about the presidential campaign, and the 1988 campaign of the oft-maligned Michael Dukakis - which I worked on out of college - came up. My mother always disliked Dukakis because he lacked passion and was too low-key. I suggested that maybe someone would want someone like that running the country, rather than have someone who acts with too much passion and not enough reason.
I won't deny that George Walker Bush is a man of passion. He does a lot of things passionately. He passionately ran America into the ground. He passionately pursues a fruitless and unjust war in Iraq. And I despise him.
With a passion.
Passion, as British rock singer Graham Parker once said, is no ordinary word.

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