Friday, May 30, 2008

Tastelessness All Around

I can't believe my eyes and ears! Hillary Clinton made a remark that was clearly uncalled for about Robert Kennedy's assassination, and yet while some pundits such as Chris Matthews called her to task, other pundits called their fellow pundits to task for piling on a woman!
It seems that Mrs. Clinton's gender will always be an excuse for saying inappropriate things and pulling underhanded tricks and getting away with it. Barack Obama suggested that white working-class voters are bitter and everyone - including Hillary - jumped down his throat, but when Hillary makes a more outlandish comment, there are numerous people ready to defend her and insist that she didn't mean anything underhanded or insulting . . . and accuse her detractors of sexism. Barack Obama's supporters never claimed that the media were jumping on him out of racism. neither did Obama himself.
In the meantime, another pastor got Obama in trouble with his own remarks. Father Michael Pfleger, a white Catholic priest with a large black congregation in Chicago made a guest appearance at Trinity United Church of Christ, which Obama attends, and did a colossally silly imitation of Hillary Clinton complaining that her race and her familial ties entitled her to the white House, only to have her place usurped by some Negro upstart. It was tasteless, proving that Pfleger is no stand-up comic. But once again, Obama is in trouble for something he didn't say that was said by a clergyman. The poor guy can't win for losing.
Except for one thing. While Hillary Clinton doesn't begrudge Obama for his race, she certainly begrudges him for usurping her sense of entitlement.
That may explain why, as Robert Novak pointed out recently, that Democrats are beginning to use the same negative terminology to describe Hillary that Republicans have been using for sixteen years.
Commentary on Scott McClellan's new book later.

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