Saturday, May 24, 2008

Anything Can Happen?

I'm getting sick of the charges of misogynistic behavior against Hillary Clinton. She has done a lot of underhanded things in this presidential campaign - tried to get the party rules changed, belittled Barack Obama for some of his remarks, cried on cue - but when anyone tries to say anything remotely critical of her, her uppity supporters charge, "SEXISM!!" This has allowed her to largely sidestep the question of whether it's a good idea to have the presidency go back and forth between two families like the monarchy in fifteenth-century England.
But the sexism charge won't inoculate her from her latest nasty comment - bringing up Robert Kennedy's assassination in June 1968 to explain the length and uncertainties of the presidential nomination process. Hillary explained that she was only trying to demonstrate how the process goes on for a long time and led to the late California primary that Kennedy won just before getting shot to death, but she also seemed to suggest that the assassination was an example of how anything can happen - like, say, the possibility of Obama getting shot? And, although the presidential nomination process was long in 1968, Robert Kennedy got in the race in March and didn't even compete in a primary until May.
Hillary herself has said that she would stay in the campaign on the basis of the idea that anything could happen. Well, something just did. Only it happened to Hillary. Give it up, Mrs. Clinton - you're toast.

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