Monday, January 31, 2005

The Iraqi Elections

Okay, the Iraqi elections for a transitional national assembly, in addition to simultaneously held provincial elections, went smoothly, but now comes the hard part - the United States, as the senior partner of the "coalition" occupying Iraq, has to help the winners formulate a government and write a permanent constitution. (CNN's Bruce Morton just reported that if the Iraqis can't agree on one within a year, they have to elect a new transitional national assembly next January and start all over again!) We have to help Iraq become a responsible democracy, even though the Bush administration is neither responsible nor democratic.
Meanwhile, CNN's Suzanne Malveaux reported on Bush's phone conversation with "Gerhard Schroder of Germany, the Chancellor, Germany, German Schroeder." And I thought Judy Woodruff was inarticulate. :-O

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