Saturday, January 1, 2005

Should All Writing Acquaintances Be Forgot . . .

Oh yeah, before I slam the door on 2004 for good . . . 
You've probably been wondering about the profile article I've been working on since. . . well, since before I started this blog. I've kept mum on the subject up to now, but I am at last ready to tell you what it's all about.
In August 2001, I began writing an article on a woman who performs a mechanical doll act in the New York subway stations and is an accomplished dance and mime artist. Since I first interviewed her back then, I've conducted two follow-up interviews with her, written nine drafts of this article, and waited patiently for her to approve of a final draft, as she became very particular about my descriptions of her work - hence the follow-up interviews, the most recent of which took place in October 2002. (To give you an idea of how long ago that was, this blog was a month old, Bush hadn't invaded Iraq yet, and Tom Daschle was - hard to believe now - a force to be reckoned with in the Senate.)
That was the last time I saw her. Since then, she's ignored me and failed to answer my calls. This past July I told her I'd be sending the article out if she didn't get back to me in a month. At the last minute, she had a friend of hers reply for her, asking me to hold off until she could talk to me. I called her back and told her I got his call, and asked her to call m e back herself. She never did.
Which is why you will never read my article. I finally dropped her a line to let her know I was dropping her. I used the same line my boss at the law firm used when he let me go: "It just isn't working out." So, after three years of wasted time, I will not be sending out this article, and I will not be getting it published.
The woman's name is . . . oh, wait, it would be in bad taste to identify her. Besides, this is one auld acquaintance I'm happy to forget and never bring to mind!
Sorry to have to tell you all this, but at least now you won't have to wonder what happened to this article. Nothing happened to it.

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