Saturday, January 1, 2005

New Year, New Anti-Bush Rant

Well, it's only January 1, and already I get to make fun of George W. Bush in 2005.
After most likely being informed by Karl Rove that a large block of swing voters of South Asian descent could make the difference in the 2006 midterm elections, Bush has increased tenfold, to $350 million, the amount of money his administration plans to give to tsunami recovery efforts in the Asian countries affected by Sunday's disaster. Before you suggest that Bush is simply grasping, however slowly, the magnitude of the tragedy and is acting accordingly, bear in mind that this administration has spent over $150 billion trying to take over Iraq since March 2003, and it is spending $270 million daily to occupy it. Meanwhile, Bush seems to be cynically trying to sabotage United Nations relief efforts in southern Asia so the U.S. can have the privilege of dictating the terms for said efforts with no input from other sovereign nations.
Writing about another Southeast Asian tragedy - the Vietnam War, which was a man-made disaster - the recently departed Susan Sontag wrote, "The white race is the cancer of human history." What she meant to say was, "The American male strain of the white race is the cancer of human history."
More later of a less political nature.

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