Friday, January 28, 2005

Keeping Up With the News

A few more stories tonight:
CBS's "Yes Dear," the worst of the very bad domestic sitcoms in which fathers and husbands are portrayed as indecent, thickheaded louts, is returning from the dead to take the place of "Center of the Universe." It's official - the situation comedy genre is a spent force!
That dirty bomb alert in Boston last week was a hoax. The guy who pulled it was a Mexican involved in illegal human smuggling across the U.S. border until he was let go by his boss; he did it go get back at him. Why didn't he just go and look for a real job?
Condolezza Rice will soon go on her first foreign trip; she'll be venturing to Europe to repair relations with European heads of state strained by the war in Iraq. If she stays there until she's successful in this endeavor, we may never see her again!
That is all . . ..

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