Thursday, October 28, 2004

You're Gonna Cry 96 Years

One curse remains in Major League Baseball. The Chicago Cubs haven't won the World Series since Roosevelt was President. Teddy Roosevelt. Not since 1908 - ninety-six years ago - have the Cubs won the Series. And they haven't won the National League pennant since 1945, which many believe is due to the Billy Goat Curse. After winning the NL pennant in 1945, the Cubs played the Detroit Tigers in the World Series. During the sixth Series game at Wrigley Field, when the Cubs were leading the Tigers in the Series three games to two, a Cubs fan named William Sianis attempted to enter the ball park with a pet goat. He and his pet were ejected because of the goat's smell. Enraged, Sianis supposedly put a curse on the Cubs that they would never win the NL pennant again. Sure enough, they haven't won it since. The most recent team was last year, when they lost Game Six of the National League championship to the Florida Marlins (a team that has only existed since 1993!), who went on to win the Series. In the sixth game, a fan reached over and caught a fly ball that proved to be in bounds, costing the Cubs the game and then the pennant.
Surprisingly, this fan is still alive. :-O

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