Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Reversed Curse (And Unreversed Curses)

They did it! The Red Sox won the World Series! I honestly never thought it would happen. Well, I'm glad to see someone has shaken off a curse this month.
I feel like I've been cursed this entire month. I've had computer problems, my mother and I spent an entire week (her week off!) at home indoors because of the lousy weather, and of course, I lost my job. And because of that, I've been given a hard time by the unemployment office. I had to go for an orientation yesterday and I have to have a telephone interview to determine my eligibility for benefits (and I have a nasty feeling that I'll be denied benefits when all is said and done). All of this, including the weather, derailed my mother's and my plans to go somewhere one weekend for an overnight trip - we'd been trying to get away from all the craziness I just described. And, something might be wrong with my car.
And here's the kicker. The jazz radio host I was trying to write a profile article about said she could see me this Saturday. I told her by e-mail I'd probably be going somewhere this weekend instead, depending on the weather. As soon as the weather forecast predicted rain on Saturday, I e-mailed her again saying, yes, Saturday was perfect. Too late! She saw my first e-mail and made plans for this Saturday. My plans for Saturday now likely involve cleaning my room or going to the gym to use a treadmill.
Did I happen to mention that I've been trying to arrange an interview with this woman for fifteen months? We now hope to meet sometime between February 30 and the first of Octember.
Ironically, today was a perfect day; I went out to see the fall foliage. When I got home and checked my e-mail. . . well, that was it.
I know most of this may seem insignificant in the Big Bang scheme of things, a point my mom has made clear in no uncertain terms (no one makes you feel smaller and dumber than you already are like a mom), but I can only take so much disappointment, which is now turning into disgust.
P.S. I have a job interview tomorrow. Wish me - ahem - luck.

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