Friday, October 29, 2004

Bin Laden: He's Baaack . . .

Just when you thought it was safe to turn on your TV set. . . . As if the nasty tone of the presidential campaign weren't bad enough, Osama bin Laden has resurfaced on television - here, in the Middle East, and everywhere else. Taking responsibility for 9/11 and warning Americans of more attacks to come, bin Laden has declared that the American people, not George W. Bush or John Kerry, have the power to stop future attacks by demanding an end to U.S. support for Israel and corrupt Arab regimes. Many political commentators are split on whom this helps - Bush for reminding voters of terrorism or Kerry for reminding folks that bin Laden is still out there. They all agree that neither candidate should politicize it.
So what does Kerry do? He criticizes Bush for not having captured bin Laden. Also, he added that the safety of Americans was at stake.
What the . . . ? :-O

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