Monday, November 17, 2003

Louisiana 2003

It's later.
I almost forgot - as you may already know, Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco, a Democrat, defeated Republican Puyush Jindal for the state's governorship in Saturday's runoff election. Pundits will insist that this is a blow to the Republicans in their effort to make a clean sweep of gubernatorial elections in the South, especially given Jindal's ties to Bush. Never mind that Ms. Blanco's politics aren't that much different from Jindal's - and they are both fairly conservative. The choice between Jindal and Ms. Blanco in Louisiana wasn't that much different from the choice the voters were given in neighboring Mississippi earlier this month. Indeed, Kathleen Blanco, as a Louisiana Democrat, may be even more conservative than a California Republican.
A California Republican like, say, the Governator.

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