Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Gay Marriage and Michael Jackson

Wonderful news - the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled in favor of the right for homosexual couples to marry. Now gay and lesbian couples in the Bay State can enjoy the recognition of marriage that heterosexual couples do everywhere. This is not the end of it - many residents of this overwhelmingly Catholic state are opposed to it and plan to fight the ruling, and Bush took time from defending his indefensible Iraq policy over in Britain to denounce the ruling - but it's the beginning of a new acceptance for homosexuals in America. They deserve the right to marry their partners as much as anyone else. Hey, I may be straight, but I'm not narrow!
Why do I support gay marriage so much? Simple. I've always supported interracial marriage, and a lot of the arguments against gay marriage - it's immoral, it is against divine law - were used to keep laws banning interracial marriages on the books in the South until 1967, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck them down. The arguments against both are out of bigotry and intolerance, pure and simple.
As fate would have it, my local newspaper showed a picture of a Massachusetts lesbian couple from a Boston press conference. They're also an interracial couple. Love knows no color and no sexual orientation!
Oh yeah, regarding the latest charges against Michael Jackson - if you came here for information and commentary on the story, you came to the wrong 'blog, buster! I don't have time for that crap! Except to say that I'm no longer ashamed to admit that I liked Donny Osmond records once. So can we please stop picking on Donny already?

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