Wednesday, September 24, 2003

"Ed," Season Four

Tonight at 8 PM - 7 PM Central Time - "Ed" returns for its fourth season on NBC, something that almost didn't happen. Viewers were getting so tired of the coy interplay between Ed and Carol and were so frustrated with the show's writers dragging out the sexual tension between the two for so long that the ratings dropped late last year. And to be honest, the show did seem to lack some sense of direction toward the end of last season. So now that Ed and Carol are together, the series seems to have regained its footing. Hopefully, "Ed" will return to being what it started out as - a series about a quirky town with colorful characters, centered around America's only bowling alley lawyer. And if it doesn't, "Ed"'s fourth season could easily be its last.
But I sure do hope it doesn't turn out that way.

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