Tuesday, July 15, 2003

The Latest On Me

So how did I spend my day today? Well, I returned to Longwood Gardens near Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. I'd been wanting to go again for months, but owing to bad weather and bad timing, I couldn't make it down there until today. No matter; I still enjoyed myself. The summer flower blooms were glorious. And thanks to all the rain and snow we'd had in the Northeast, the fountains and other water displays were active. I especially love the big water show at the main fountain across from the conservatory, though I've never had the chance to see it at night, when it's all illuminated with colored lights!
Meanwhile, the Fall 2003 issue of Ms. Fitness is out, and my profile on fitness trainer Leslie Ingram is in it! YESSSSSSS!! It's been a long time coming, but I finally got this piece published. Ironically, though, one key part - the part that my article was originally meant to center around - was edited out. Left out was a passage that talked about Ms. Ingram's work with inner-city teenagers and raising money for charitable causes. It still came out alright.
So what's next? I plan to write about a deejay at a local jazz station, but my article I've been working on since August 2001 (!) is on indefinite hold. The woman I'm writing about, a Manhattan performing artist, is too busy to help me see the piece to its conclusion.
Ah, well, why complain? I've had two - count'em, two - freelance articles published this week. And I went to Longwood Gardens today. Life is good.

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