Sunday, September 6, 2020

Trump At War With the Service

Protests against wars and armament spending do not usually mean hatred toward the people who serve in the military.  The demonstrations against the wars in places like Vietnam and Iraq are not the same as hating the service personnel who do the fighting or dismissing them as losers.  Yet that's what Donald Trump is accused of today.
And I believe the report, initiated by Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic.  Trump's dismissal of John McCain's service for being captured and tortured, his utter lack of history during the centennial ceremonies commemorating the end of World War I, and his refusal to let his namesake son serve in the military because there was no money in it all fit a pattern that, in my view and in the view of a whole lot of other people, verify this story.
I didn't think Trump could go as far as to dishonor the sacrifice of those who were drafted and sent to Vietnam or those have willingly signed up for the military since the draft ended in 1973 (or even draftees), but his attitude toward service personnel who gave their time and, in many case,s their lives to protect and to fight for this country goes beyond the pale.  That's because serving in the military requires putting others ahead of yourself, something Trump is unfamiliar with.  I know that those who serve in the military are heroes, even though I relate more to those who protest against war, flash the peace sign - and sometimes flash half the peace sign at leaders like Trump - and sing "Give Peace a Chance" and "Military Madness" (the latter song is a Graham Nash tune) at peace marches.  I know that people like Pat Tillman and Beau Biden were heroes by giving up everything for their country.  I honor the service of John F. Kennedy, who got out of a Navy desk job to experience combat in the Pacific in the Second World War, the same war where George H.W. Bush got shot down over the sea and almost died fighting against the Japanese.  As a self-absorbed, venal leader who can't be bothered to sacrifice anything, Donald Trump can never hope to understand that.  It's a sin that this man is President of the United States.
See the picture above?  It's a lie.      

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