Monday, March 19, 2018

What Could Be Worse Than Three March Nor'easters?

How about four March nor'easters?
Yes, another coastal system his headed up the American East Coast, and yes, it will be a nor'easter (forecasters are calling this fourth nor'easter a "foureaster"), with winds gusting at speeds just above tropical storm force - inland as well as along the shore.
This storm was expected to pass south of the New York City area, and part of will do so tomorrow, but a second part is expected to come up the coast on Wednesday - the first full day of spring - and Wednesday just happens to be the only day this week where temperatures won't make it comfortably above 32 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning more snow than rain.

If there's any good news here, it's that accumulations in northern New Jersey, as these maps from the National Weather Service indicate, should be modest - two or three inches, which is the equivalent of a quarter of an inch of rain - and that the sun angle resulting from the vernal equinox should prevent much of it from sticking.  But I'm concerned about the winds.  The ground is so moist and the wind gusts are expected to be strong, and my neighborhood has been subjected to mass deforestation as a result of the previous storms.  At this point, I'm tired of all this and I am patiently waiting for spring weather.  I feel like I'm waiting for a moment that just won't come.
I hope March goes out as quietly as it came in ferociously, but we shouldn't be too sure of that. :-(  I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  This month wasn't named after the Roman war god for nothing.       

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