Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Trump Did WHAT?

Donald Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian ambassador to the United States and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov when he met with them at the White House last week, according to the Washington Post.
It gets worse. The information he revealed to the Russian diplomats had been given to the United States regrading the Islamic State terrorist group, and the the source, identified only as a foreign partner, told the White House not to share the information with the Russians. The information is so sensitive that other foreign governments allied with the U.S. aren't privy to it.
It gets worse. MSN reports that Trump's decision to share this information with the Russians "risks cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State."
It gets worse. National security adviser H.R. McMaster, one of the few credible members of this administration, denied the story, saying that Trump "did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known," thus denying something that has nothing to do with the revelation that the Washington Post reported.
And congressional Republicans go la di da di da, da-diddy-diddy da, de da, la di da di da, da-diddy-diddy da, de da . . .
I should retire this blog and start a new one devoted entirely to popular culture. Commenting on current events is beginning to make my head spin.

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