Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Announcements, Announcements . . .

I've been busy maintaining and tidying up my Blogger.com account and the blogs on them, and I have a few announcements regarding all that to make today.  
First of all, regarding typographical errors and dangling participles . . . I've noticed that I've made a few of them here and there, along with the odd missing indefinite article.  I apologize to anyone who's noticed them and may have thought I was drunk (the strongest beverage I drink is iced tea), and there's no excuse for any of them, least of all the fact that Blogger's spell checker isn't programmed to catch misused words and phrases the way Microsoft Word is.  But then, I take it that no one had noticed them, since my entries got a lot of views but without any comments regarding errors. Anyway, I fixed all the mistakes I found.  There weren't a whole lot, but enough to embarrass me a bit.  Like the Teetotalers baseball team, in which Bugs Bunny plays all nine positions, or like the Blue Ridge Rangers, in which John Fogerty plays all the instruments, I'm a one-man show on this blog; I'm the managing editor, assistant editor, proofreader, layout director, photo editor, etc.  I'm too close to my own writing to catch every error by myself.   I just have to keep improving my editing skills to catch my own errors.  I'm doing better at it now than before, but I can always do better still.
Second, regarding my Steve's Essays blog . . ..  For those of you who don't know, I have a blog devoted to essays, which I haven't added to since December 2009.  At the end of this month, it will be retired.  I realized that I don't need a separate essay blog because I already have one - the blog you're reading right now. Just about every entry on this blog is an essay, or something close to it.  So most of the contents of my essay blog will be moved to this blog and re-published at later dates.  I say "most of the contents" because there are some essays there (among the pitiful number of thirteen essays) that I don't think are good enough to keep. 
Back later.  Thanks for staying loyal.           


Grace said...

Hey, Steve, a suggestion. If MS Word catches more errors, why don't you write your blog post in Word and then copy and paste it into Blogger? Will Blogger let you do that? Just a thought...

Steve said...

It looks like I'll have to go back to doing that. I expected the new Google Chrome-based Blogger layout to eliminate the need for typing it first on MS Word, but that's not the case. MS Word gets misused words as well as misspelled ones.