Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What "Parenthood" Looks Like

It looked like Crosby and Jasmine got back together on "Parenthood" after sleeping with each other in last week's episode (guess that settles the question of the timidity of the producers in showing interracial romance on American television!). But since Jasmine has a boyfriend, Crosby declared that it was a mistake and chose to quietly carry on without her.
It looked like Adam was in hot water indefinitely after failing to fire a secretary who kissed him as if he were her own boyfriend and catching flak over it from Kristina, whom he shouldn't have shared the news of the incident with in the first place. Kristina, having just born a daughter, returned to work after feeling betrayed. But Kristina's anger subsided - after what happened with Max.
It looked like Max, Adam and Kristina's Asperger's-affected son, would get kidnapped or beaten up after he tried to go to a natural history museum in San Francisco on his own when his parents couldn't take him and ended up in Oakland. But he made it home to Berkeley safely, and he, his sisters and his parents all went to the museum together.
It looked like Julia wouldn't adopt the unborn baby of Zoe, the barista girl who works in Julia's law firm, after all, when it turned out that the father of the baby wouldn't sign the adoption release papers without financial compensation. Such a deal is actually illegal in California. But when Zoe's boyfriend (the father) kicked her out, she had nowhere to go . . . but to Julia, who took her in.
It looked like a cash-crunched Amber was moving back in with Sarah, until her aunt Kristina gave her a job at the political campaign she just started working for.
It looks like "Parenthood" is going on another December hiatus. There were no previews for the next episode following the one that aired last night. In an earlier episode, Julia admits to not being raised in any particular tradition, so it looks like the Bravermans don't celebrate Christmas.
So it looks like there will never be a Christmas episode of "Parenthood" even if the show lasts a decade. It's on NBC, so it looks like that won't happen.

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