Monday, November 21, 2011

A Super Failure

The deficit reduction super committee created by Congress in the wake of the debt ceiling debate is ready to admit failure in advance of a Wednesday deadline to reach a deficit-cutting mandate without failure as an option.  Automatic cuts to everything are to take place beginning in 2013.
Wow, like we couldn't have seen that coming.  After all, there are six Democrats and six Republicans on that committee, each side it sticking to its pea shooters - Democrats on entitlements, Republicans on taxes - without enough compromise to break through anything, and Washington is more partisan than at any time since the decade before the Civil War.     
I'm sorry we don't have a parliamentary system.  If we did, President Obama - who would be a figurehead, kind of like what he is right now - would fire his prime minister and call new legislative elections, and every incumbent in Congress would lose.
And, of course, while Democrats would run a fresh team of challengers and pretend after the election never to have heard of John Kerry, Republicans would still be running the same people over again.

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