Wednesday, August 4, 2010

That's Right, The Women Are Smarter

Some major breakthroughs in Congress - none of which have anything to do with gay marriage (I'll comment on that later) - took place today.
The Senate approved a $26 billion bill to pay for Medicaid reimbursements and save the jobs of 130000 teachers nationwide after Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) joined Democrats in breaking a Republican filibuster.
At that news, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared her intention to call the House back into session during the August recess so her chamber could pass the same bill and send it to President Obama for his signature. She made it clear that she wanted to get this done.
Meanwhile, Senator Deborah Stabenow (D-MI) introduced a bill in the Senate that could be a game changer for Democrats in the midterms. Senator Stabenow's bill would extend unemployment benefits by twenty weeks and also provide with tax breaks to businesses to encourage them to hire the long-term unemployed. Activists are already working on a plan to hit Republicans with e-mails, faxes and phone calls to get the support of at least two senators to help her bill pass.
If you want something done in Congress, get a woman to do it. :-)

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