Thursday, May 27, 2010

Updates and Clarifications: May 27, 2010

Regarding a story I reported here about a month ago (April 26): The former Kings in West Caldwell, New Jersey, which had once been a Stop and Shop, will become a Stop and Shop again. The new store is enlarging into the vacant drug store next door, just as I suspected it would.
Regarding a piece from April 14 referring to Henry Clay's proposed American System for interstate commerce and infrastructure; my choice of words may have confused the issue of whether or not President Andrew Jackson supported the plan. He did not. I reworded the post.
And here's a little quote from my dismay at President Obama's support for more offshore drilling, from April 1 of this year:
"The President sought to strike a balance [on the offshore drilling issue] in the quest for a compromise. But as the deals over the extension of slavery proved, compromises usually resolve nothing. They just perpetuate bad situations that can erupt into something worse."
Did I call that or what?

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