Wednesday, May 26, 2010

BP - Botched Priorities

As British Petroleum tries once again to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, one can only guess what's going through the minds of BP executives.
My guess is that they're getting very upset and wringing their hands. Not because of the environmental degradation and disruption of livelihoods on the Louisiana coast. No, they're probably upset because all this oil has been wasted, when it could have been made into gasoline and made them more money.
One good has come out of this crisis so far: After Rush Limbaugh told his listeners that the Sierra Club forced oil companies to drill for oil farther out where it was less safe, donations to the Sierra Club skyrocketed. And just for the record, BP would have been out in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico drilling for oil even if they could have drilled ten feet from shore. BP and other oil companies will always go where the oil is. If they could drill in the Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean - at 35,000 feet deep the deepest ocean on the planet - they'd do so.

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