Saturday, March 11, 2006

Oscars 2006

Wait a minute - you mean the Oscars didn't suck? Five critically acclaimed pictures - Capote, Brokeback Mountain, Good Night and Good Luck, Munich, and Crash - were all up for best picture. And Crash, a quirky drama that a mirror in front of LA and displays the racial and ethnic stereotypes the permeate this "liberal" city - the very last film anyone expected to win the big prize - gets the Oscar! :-D (I saw both that and Good Night and Good Luck; both are great pictures that earned their nominations, and Crash is indeed better.)
From what I've heard, though, Jon Stewart wasn't as good a host as previous hosts such as Steve Martin and Billy Crystal. I actually caught his opening monologue, and he seemed unsure of himself. Perhaps he just doesn't fit well in a forum of self-congratulation like the Oscars when he's made a career out of sociopolitical irreverence. And it showed in the ratings, which weren't that good.
Death to Smoochy! :-D

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