Friday, January 27, 2006

A Million Little Lies

So it turns out that James Frey did more than just embellish the truth in his book A Million Little Pieces. He made part of it up. Well, a big part of it. . . a very big part of it. Orpah Winfrey, who endorsed the book on her show, had Frey on again to scold him for duping her and millions of readers. Only trouble is, she defended Frey in that now-infamous call to Larry King, which she has now been forced to disavow publicly.
James Frey's own credibility is in a million little pieces, but so is Winfrey's, because she put so much of it behind Frey's book. Hey, Oprah, if you want to get a good chunk of your credibility back, perhaps you'd like to endorse this book - because as hard as its message is to take, it's something everyone should read! And, its thesis is supported by fact!

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