Saturday, December 17, 2005

Ups and Downs

I've been having a lot of ups and downs lately. Yesterday afternoon I went to my office's Christmas party at a Chinese restaurant, and I had a very good time. I mingled with my coworkers, and I even had a drink - as in an alcoholic beverage - with one of them. She had a martini; I had a rum and Coke.  We talked about family matters mostly, and we had a pleasant chat. Normally I'm an introverted person, but when I left after the party was over, I felt like I was finally overcoming my shyness.
Then today I had an experience I hope never happens again. I got my car's interior light fixed this morning, and so I decided to get it washed due to all the road salt and dirt it had collected. Midway through the automatic car wash, the power went off. I was literally stranded in my car in the middle of the car wash for what seemed like an eternity. I slowly had to drive out (my left wheels were in a conveyor belt) and get the soap rinsed off. Coming out, I noticed lights on in nearby stores, and the traffic signals were working perfectly. So, the power didn't go off anywhere on the block other than at the car wash - while I was in it! :-O It must have been some blown fuses.
That's an experience I would wish on my worst enemy. :-p

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