Wednesday, November 30, 2005

You Call THIS November Weather?

Meanwhile, today was a very warm day in northern New Jersey; I went for a walk on my lunch hour in a short-sleeved shirt without a jacket, and I saw a woman dining al fresco in a halter top with spandex straps. This is perfectly normal weather for the last day of November. . . if you live in Sydney! In the greater New York area, it's weird! People were obviously enjoying the weather, but as Michael Moore once suggested, they'd be going berserk if the sun suddenly rose at midnight - yet they see nothing wrong with warm weather in northern New Jersey in late November! Oh well, when Atlantic City falls into the sea because sea levels are rising due to polar ice caps melting, maybe Americans will finally be concerned with global warming.
Except Pat Robertson, who will declare that Atlantic City slid into the ocean because of the gambling casinos and scantily clad Borgata waitresses, and that God finally got around to punishing Gomorrah-By-the-Sea. 

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