Sunday, November 20, 2005

Let ME Control the Internet!

Many countries, particularly those in the European Union, have long been angry that United States, which developed the Internet, has maintained control over the World Wide Web. Recently, a deal was reached to let the U.S. keep its control over the Web despite arguments in favor of letting an international body control it. Personally, I don't think America should control the World Wide Web when it can't control hurricane evacuations, and after the rioting that occurred in France, I don't trust the Europeans either. So what I'm suggesting is this: Don't let one country or an international body have control over the Internet.
Give it to me!
You can trust me. I'm not a computer geek. I don't know how the 'Net works, but I know it does! So there's no way I could possibly manipulate it in some kind of diabolical plot! I would make a few changes. I'd ban porn sites, sites related having to do with Madonna or Britney Spears (same difference), and especially anything involving Paris Hilton (ditto!) !
I'd also get out of our hair. So what do you think?
Perhaps you'd like to sleep on it. :-D

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