Monday, November 21, 2005

How I Like This Sitcom

At this moment, I think I can say, without fear of contradiction, that I enjoy CBS's new sitcom "How I Met Your Mother." Some episodes have been more uneven than others, but the show's general premise - a middle-aged architect in the year 2030 (voiced off-camera by, of all people, Bob Saget) telling his kids about his bachelor days in the year 2005 and how he, well, met their mother - offers an endearing and humorous look at dating and trying to find a soulmate. It also happens to have two - count'em, two! - decent male characters, the lovelorn architect Ted (Josh Radnor) and Marshall (Jason Segel), but with their duplicitous, mean-spirited pal Barney (played hilariously by Neil Patrick Harris) on hand to even things out a bit. Flashbacks, nonlinear storylines, and neat editing tricks make this sitcom stand out among other shows.
All we know is that neither of the female characters, Lily (Alyson Hannigan) nor Robin (Cobie Smulders) is the future wife of Ted. Her identity will be revealed as the series continues. If it continues long enough. Although CBS promotes as a new "hit" comedy, "How I Met Your Mother" has recently scored an underwhelming number 36 in the Nielsens - okay, but not great. Despite the fact that "How I Met Your Mother" is just one of a handful of worthwhile sitcoms on TV these days, its continuation isn't quite assured just yet.

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