Friday, November 25, 2005

Bump In the Road

Just when I thought it was okay to relax and not worry about my VW Golf so much . . ..  This past Tuesday I hit a bump going home when the interior light suddenly turned on and I couldn't turn it off unless I pulled over and turned off the car or hit another bump. And then not even that worked; this happened four times. Why couldn't I turn it off? Must have had something to do with the fact that the interior light switch fell out!
I found the switch, but I can't reinstall it myself, so I have to - you guessed it - take it to a repair shop to be fixed. I don't know how this happened; it could have just fallen out on its own. Just as likely, it could have been dislodged when I got rear-ended in August. I'll never know for sure.
I still love my Volkswagen. The people who built it. . . eh, not so much! :-O
(Semi-related story - Pope Benedict XVI blessed a pair of Italian sports cars at the Vatican earlier this year. So why can't the German-born Holy Father, who owned a Volkswagen just like mine when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, bless the cars of the Fatherland? Mercedes-Benz especially could use some help from the Almighty right about now!)

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