Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The New Secretary of Defense

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a drunk running the Pentagon.

He's also a one-time third-tier junior officer in the Minnesota National Guard, a director of two different veterans' groups he ran into the ground, a misogynist who doesn't want women in combat, a homophobe who wants transsexuals not only out of combat but out of the military (like his boss), and his primary qualification for the job he's assuming is having been a commentator on military issues on Fox News.  That's like me being hired as director of the United States Information Agency because I write a blog.

And so, without further ado . . . ladies and gentlemen, the 29th Secretary of Defense, Peter Brian Hegseth!   

(Correction:  The above photo is not a picture of Pete Hegseth.  It is in fact a picture of Michael Flynn.  I regret the error.)

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