Thursday, July 6, 2023

On His Way To Chicago . . .

 . . . and I hope he loses there.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a Democratic presidential candidate for 2024.  He's not running to rekindle the spirit of his father or of his Uncle Jack.  In fact . . . I don't know what he's running for.   According to his campaign's Web site, he plans to "focus his campaign on the values Americans hold in common, and lead the country toward an ethos of respectful dialog [sic] and reconciliation across races, parties, and divisions."
Well, fine, but what is he running for?

All I know for certain is that he believes all of those conspiracy theories about vaccines that MAGA Republicans relentlessly promoted during the COVID pandemic.  And I'm glad I can talk about the COVID pandemic in the past tense, because the mere possibility of an RFK Jr. Presidency during a pandemic would drive me to drink.

And I'm a teetotaler. 

It's not just his stand on vaccines, which he says also causes autism.   For one thing, he's against aid to Ukraine calling it part of a war against Russia - making him the perfect stooge for Vladimir Putin.  He also stepped into it big time when, at a Washington D.C. rally against COVID vaccination mandates in January 2022, he said, "Even in Hitler's Germany you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did."

He sort of forgot that Anne Frank lost her fatal game of hide-and-seek and got sent to a death camp.  Though Kennedy apologized for his remark, his understanding of the Third Reich made his Grandpa Joe's comprehension of the same subject seem positively brilliant.

RFK Jr., of course, will not make it to the White House.  He is likely to have his much luck as his siblings Kathleen and Chris had in their bids for higher office (governor of Maryland and governor of Illinois, respectively). However, he's polling at 20 percent among Democratic primary voters, and so he could give President Biden a scare in the early Democratic primaries just like Eugene McCarthy did to President Johnson in 1968 and like Patrick Buchanan did to the first President Bush in 1992, and you know what happened to them.  Kennedy's relatively high polling, though, is likely based on name recognition . . . though it's ironic that, of all the failed Democratic presidential candidates of the past forty years who tried to emulate JFK or RFK - Gary Hart, Al Gore (in his 1988 campaign), Martin O'Malley, Pete Buttigieg - RFK Jr. is the least convincing of them by a wide margin.

I don't know, though.  I'd like to believe that people are not so misguided to support Kennedy for President . . . that people are not that dumb.  But then I saw this.

This is a picture of marchers getting ready to take part in an Independence Day parade in New Jersey, which I took myself.  Note the sign on the building in the background.  Click on the picture if you have to.

These jokes write themselves, folks! 😄

1 comment:

Steve said...

For the record, for those who can't make it out, the sign indicates the offices of the Mental Health Association of Essex County, New Jersey.