Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Southbound Suarez

All of these candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, candidates who have no chance of  winning the nomination if they weren't named Donald by their mothers and Trump by their fathers . . . and now there's another one!

This time it's Miami mayor Francis Suarez, who is running on a platform of uniting the country and providing new leadership.

Hmm, as I seem to recall, a Democratic former big-city mayor ran for President on the same platform in 2016, and we all know how that turned out!

At least Martin O'Malley, as mayor of Baltimore, had actual responsibilities.  As mayor of Miami, Suarez has no responsibilities.  His job is pretty much ceremonial, no more powerful than that of the King of England.   I've seen mayors of suburban towns in New Jersey with more authority than Suarez.  As I understand it, he's mostly a cheerleader for his city to get more economic investment.

We need a President, not a booster.

Why is Suarez running?  I can only assume that a coconut must have fallen on his head.

Maybe it'll take another one to knock some sense into him.   

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