Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tuckered Out

Tucker Carlson, a stepson of the heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune who appeals to the common man (common woman? highly implausible), will now get to live like the common man.  He just got fired from Fox News with no foreseeable job prospects in the future.  Which means he'll be filing for unemployment and  sustaining himself on TV dinners,  realizing how you can be fired without warning, just like many of his viewers who on a Friday worked at the steel mill or auto factory and was out of work by Monday. 

As Carlson has promoted the replacement theory of whites being replaced by people of color, it appears that this theory has come true in a way for himself.  Now he's the one due to be replaced in his time slot! 

Carlson, 53, was a key figure in spreading conspiracy theories that tarnished Fox News' already blemished reputation, and he's being forced out in the wake of the Dominion voting-machine suit.  In the investigation for the suit, Carlson was revealed to have said that what he said about the election being stolen was jive and professed to "hate" Donald Trump, which probably didn't sit well with Fox News viewers.  But his harassment of women on the set of his program - which has brought about a lawsuit from a former Fox News producer - and his attempts to have reporters fired for telling the truth about the big election lie likely didn't sit well with Rupert Murdoch, whose daughter Elisabeth likely has more smarts than her brother Lachlan and James put together.

Having already been on CNN and MSNBC, Carlson has no place to go except possibly for Newsmax (and maybe not even there, given the revelation of what he really thought ot Trump).  If he does move to a smaller right-wing channel, he'll have to take a big pay cut.  Or, he'll  disappear and be forgotten by historians of American media, just as Father Charles Coughlin and Walter Winchell were similarly forgotten.

Either way, Carlson's going to have to eat a lot of them TV dinners. 

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