Monday, March 27, 2023

It Might As Well Be a Spring Booster

COVID, or as the French might call it, le Covíde ("Le co-VEED!!"), continues to wane as March draws to close, but some epidemiologists warn that a new strain could appear as soon as the day after tomorrow and disrupt our entire spring.  Oh, joy!
An obvious solution to a sudden COVID resurgence would be to have spring booster vaccines available for the most at-risk citizens in These States.  There's just one thing wrong - the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hasn't signed off on it.  It hasn't even indicated whether or not it would sign off on it.  Trouble is, the CDC has to take a stand, because as long as the agency stays mum on the issue, no one can allow Americans to get a spring booster vaccine because the vaccines are still under emergency use authorizations and thus haven't been fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
However, British and Canadian citizens can get COVID booster shots for the spring, because their governments have given the all-clear on them.  Ah, but in America, the CDC takes this issue very seriously and so does not want to be rushed into making a decision.  Though, quite frankly, I can't remember the last time CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky actually made one.
For us silly Yanks, I suppose, all we can do is hope that the World Health Organization to finally declare the pandemic over.  Neither a decision on spring booster shots or a declaration to the end of the COVID ("Le co-VEED!!") pandemic is likely to happen any time soon, thouse I would expect a declaration of the end of the pandemic to happen first - say, on the eleventh of never.  

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