Sunday, December 18, 2022

Clarifications: December 18, 2022

In my November 15, 2022 post "Knickerbonkers," about New York State Democrats, I wrote that Alessandra Biaggi, who lost the Democratic House of Representatives nomination to district incumbent Sean Patrick Maloney, "could have saved the seat for the Democrats by arousing their base, but they were clearly cool to voting for Maloney for his past conniving."  That appeared, in retrospect, to be an abstruse statement, so I changed it to read that Biaggi "could have saved the seat for the Democrats by arousing their base, but the Democratic base in this district was clearly cool to (to, not with) voting for Maloney for his past conniving."
Also, I need to update yesterday's commentary on ELon Musk reinstating reporters whose Twitter accounts he's suspended.  In addition to Keith Olbermann's account, the account of Linette Lopez is still suspended. 
Meanwhile, I had planned to write at least ne more Sunday record review before the holidays for today, but I had no time and thus I will just leave it at the three reviews I've already written this month (and this year).  I hope to write many more in 2023. 

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