Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Red Tide Rising

There's a rising red tide, a blood-red tide, in the 2022 midterm elections, and as Rod Stewart once sang, you'd be a fool stop this tide.  As a registered voter who has voted in every single election from 1988 on, I've tried to stop this Republican tide, but after the 1994 Republican midterm victory, I tried to at least stem it.  Since then, I've had to conceded that the red tide is perpetually going to wash over us, and there ain't thing one we can do about it.  But 2022 - and 2024 after that - look to provide red tides - waves, really - that will drown us.

The Republican gains in governorships, the House, and possibly the Senate will sweep a lot of election deniers into office, setting the stage for a Trump comeback in 2024.  Trump himself is planning to challenge the midterm election results in states like Pennsylvania should Republicans lose any elections, according to Rolling Stone, and he has numerous sycophants to help him overturn all of them.  And in 2024, it may not matter when the Democratic presidential nominee is Joe Biden or . . . someone else.

We're on the road to fascism.  

Mitch McConnell has always said thath is primary goal as a senator is to keep the United States from becoming like a European country.  Given the parliamentary dysfunction in Great Britain, the rise of the far right in Italy and Hungary, and the abolition of abortion in Poland, it would appear that the opposite is true - European countries are becoming like the United States. 😱     

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