John Fetterman bombed completely in his one and only debate with Dr. Mehmet Oz in the U.S. Senate election campaign in Pennsylvania. Or so you might think after reading headlines like this one from the Associated Press:
Fetterman struggles in Senate debate against Oz after stroke
Or how about this one from the New York Times?
Fetterman’s Debate Showing Raises Democratic Anxieties in Senate Battle
Here's one from Politico!
Fetterman’s debate performance prompts Democratic handwringing
And from NBC News . . .
Fetterman's debate performance has Democrats on edge in crucial Pennsylvania Senate race
Listen, people . . . Democrats are worry-warts by nature. You'd be, too, if your party kept losing one or both houses of Congress two years into the administration of a President of your party. You'd certainly be nervous if the opposition party nominated a telegenic celebrity to run against your guy. And you'd certainly wring your hands knowing your best issues are the issues voters care about the least.
To play up Fetterman's struggles in Tuesday night is to suggest that no one knew that Fetterman was recovering from a stroke. He made it clear that no one should expect him to do as well as Dr. Oz because of what he called "the elephant in the room" - not Oz's wife but the issue of his health, which Fetterman's doctor - unlike Oz, a practicing doctor - says is good and improving every day. So they poor guy flubbed a bit on the fracking issues. Big deal.
As for Oz, who owns nearly a dozen homes and none of them in Pennsylvania (a few of them are in Turkey), he showed about as much intelligence about abortion as he does toward diet supplements. He proposed that abortion rights should not be decided on by the federal government by "women, their doctors, and local political leaders" . . . as if local political leaders had anything resembling the medical expertise Oz allegedly has.
Oh yeah, if Fetterman is finished, why did he rake in half a million bucks after the debate?
Chill out, Dems, you should do just fine in Pennsylvania.
It's states like Nevada and Georgia, where Democrats actually hold those seats up for election as opposed to the open GOP-held seat in Pennsylvania, that you should worry about!
(P.S. I was only kidding about Oz's wife Lisa, I'm sure she's a lovely person.)
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