Monday, September 12, 2022


Since Labor Day weekend, I've been plagued by personal problems I cannot explain here for the sake of privacy.  I persevered posting on this blog for as long as I could, but when it became apparent that what started out as a terrible weekend would not just grow into a terrible week but likely a terrible two-week period - or "fortnight," "as the Brits call it - I decided it was too much.  I'm taking a break from this blog, and I am probably going to stay off until this Thursday (September 15), at least.

I need to clear my head and possible a few other things in my life.  I feel exhausted even as I type this.  Don't worry, I'll be back in time for a new Music Video Of the Week, as well as extended commentary on the transition from Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III.  (Not to mention Mar-a-Lago, so I won't!)

Take care for now . . .  

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