Tuesday, July 26, 2022

If You Blinked, You Missed It

Steve Bannon was found guilty of contempt of Congress late last week.

It took forever to start the trial, but it only took a couple of days to end it.  The Justice Department had an airtight case, and the defense had no case at all.  Bannon had promised to "go medieval" on the prosecution - whatever that means - but the iron maiden never came out.   

Bannon plans to appeal his conviction, but he's likely to lose in an even quicker trial.   

Sentencing - which could be two successive one-year prison terms - is currently scheduled for October 21.  Uh, maybe they could delay the sentencing until, say November 7?  That way, if Bannon does get two successive one-year prison terms, he'll be in jail until just after the 2024 presidential election is over.

And when he does get out after two years, he'll have lost his right to vote.

Oh, the irony! 😃

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