Wednesday, February 23, 2022


The United States Women's Soccer Team won its suit against US Soccer for being paid less then the men's team.  Now they're getting a sweet $22 million in damages plus $2 million to help them in their post-soccer careers and also to promote women's and girls' soccer.

Justice is done.  
It makes sense for the ruling to be in their favor, because, as one CNN commentator noted yesterday, the women's team has won numerous World Cups and Olympic gold medals whereas the men's team, just as assuredly, have won none.
I wish people in the media wouldn't rub it in against the men's team.
That's my job! 
Though, the men's team, in an attempt to look relevant, have supported the women's team in their suit.
Wait! Guys!  Did I say, "Send in the clowns?" Huh? 😠 😛

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