So far, I've watched women's ski jumping, men's relay biathlon, long-track speed skating, women's 500-meter short-track speed skating, and men's 1000-meter short-track speed skating at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and even though it's early and there are more events to come, so far the Winter Games have been bore-ing.
Of course, if I want some real excitement. there's always curling!
Let's face it. The planet is still dealing with COVID. China's zero-COVID policy is so strict that everyone has to wear face coverings even when they're outside and socially distanced (except for athletes in competition). Obviously, there are no cheering fans in the stands. Olympic organizers walking around in Hazmat suits remind me of a nuclear holocaust. I'm so disinterested in these Games so far that I didn't even want to watch the opening ceremony Friday night. Instead, I chatted on Facebook with one of my newest friends, a cousin I haven't seen in over thirty years. Hey, family first!
And based on the brief clips of the opening ceremony that I have seen, I'm quite happy to have missed it. I'm just glad that the reason I missed it had nothing to do with a power outage (we really didn't get a lot of ice).
One interesting tidbit I did find: Francesca Lollobrigida, who won the silver medal in the women's 3000-meter speed skating race and thus won the first medal for any Italian woman in speed skating, is actress Gina Lollobrigida's great-niece.
I suppose that if something happens at the Winter Olympics that is so spectacular it will be impossible for anyone to ignore it, I'll comment on that. But it's hard for me to have much interest in these Games, given the controversy and restrictions. Maybe later during these Winter Games, I'll be in more of a mood to offer my usual biting, satirical comments on them.
But as with the end of the pandemic, I'm not there yet.
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