Monday, June 7, 2021

Thick Wood

No, I don't mean that kind of Wood.  Get your mind of the gutter.

I'm referring to attorney and conspiracy theorist Lucian Lincoln Wood, Jr., whose mind is in a different place than the gutter.

Wood - who helped defend Richard Jewell from suspicions that he had something to do with the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta - has promoted a story that President Biden is dead and that Donald Trump, far from waiting to be reinstated in the White House in August, is already there, and his hand is soundly on the nuclear football.

I'm just glad it's not Wood's hand on the nuclear football.

You know, this should prove once and for all that Richard Jewell was innocent of the charge that he had something do to with the Olympic Park bombing in late July 1996 - something I've always known since early August 1996.  The case for Jewell was so airtight that any idiot shyster with a degree from Ed's Law School could have defended him and still won.  Wood, who somehow got a law degree from Mercer University, the oldest private university in Georgia, is actually dumber than that.  And he still couldn't screw up this case. 

But then when you're on a team of seven lawyers, including yourself, you have a lot of room for error. 😛

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