Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Curse of August

Donald Trump is aiming to get back in power much sooner than January 2025.

He thinks he can regain the Presidency by this August and have President Biden literally throne out of the White House, though there's no mechanism to actually do that.  Not even the interminable audits going on in Arizona and Georgia, which Trump is hanging his hat on, can provide an outlet to Trump being reinstated like Fulgencio Batista in Cuba in the early fifties.  
Unless of course, there's another insurrection - this one targeting the White House. 😱

Meanwhile, the Republicans are laying the groundwork to take back Congress in 2022 with new voter-restriction laws.  And who knows, if enough Trump acolytes get into the 118th Congress, Trump might not have to wait until the 2024 presidential election to return to the White House.
Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

And hope that Trump is in jail for fraud before he does more damage.  

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