Monday, July 27, 2020

Hanna Storm

(Note to sports fans - see what I did there?)
After we got the earliest named storms for the first seven letters of the alphabet in this Atlantic hurricane season, Hanna became the earliest eighth named storm ever and the first hurricane of this season, slamming into the Texas Gulf Coast.
This comes amid persistent, interminable heat waves in the Northeast and an even stronger Pacific hurricane hitting Hawaii.  It's official - climate change is here and getting worse.  Those lockdowns at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic only slowed down carbon emissions in a minuscule, temporary way.  It seems like everything that could cause Armageddon is coming together in 2020.  As for the extreme weather, I suspect it may have been the cause for some recent Internet outages I've had this summer and I fear a far greater outage of services as the hurricane season progresses and peaks later.  Just because my area got a tropical storm a couple of weeks ago, doesn't mean a stronger storm can't affect my area later.       
I'll be glad to see 2020 go - unless Trump is re-elected, in which case I'll write off 2021 and beyond.  Because I know that, if that happens, nothing will be done about climate change and far worse will happen in the immediate future . . . things that have nothing to do with the weather.

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